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Decision on the Horizon

What Does the World Series and the FDA Decision on MDMA Have in Common? 


Imagine a baseball game where the bases are loaded and the game is down to the final inning. The tension is high, the stakes are enormous, and everyone is on the edge of their seats. This is exactly where we stand with the upcoming FDA decision on MDMA for PTSD treatment. Both scenarios are critical moments with the potential to change everything. 


A Historic Decision on the Horizon 


Next week, the FDA is set to make a pivotal decision regarding the use of MDMA as a treatment for PTSD. This decision is expected on Sunday, August 11th, though it may be announced on Friday, August 9th. During my recent visit to Capitol Hill, I learned that Congress adjourned yesterday and the Senate leaves today, adding to the situation's urgency. 


The Need for Advocacy 


Just like in a baseball game where every player's contribution can change the outcome, now is the time for all of us to step up. It's more important than ever to reach out to our congressmen, senators, and other key figures to educate them about the significance of this decision. There hasn't been a new treatment for PTSD in 25 years. This lack of innovation has left many veterans and other Americans without effective solutions. 


Why MDMA? 


MDMA, commonly known as ecstasy, has shown promising results in clinical trials for treating PTSD. The therapy, which combines MDMA with psychotherapy, has helped many patients process their trauma in ways traditional therapies have not. This breakthrough could provide a much-needed option for those without relief through existing treatments. 


Our Veterans Deserve Better 


Our veterans have sacrificed so much for our country and deserve access to the best possible care. The current system often prioritizes profit over patient well-being, leaving many without support. The approval of MDMA for PTSD treatment could signify a shift towards more compassionate and effective healthcare solutions. 


How You Can Help 


As we approach the FDA's decision, your voice is more important than ever. Here are a few ways you can help: 


  • Contact Your Representatives: Reach out to your congressmen and senators to express your support for the approval of MDMA for PTSD treatment. 

  • Spread the Word: Share information about this historic decision on social media and with your community. 

  • Educate Yourself: Learn more about the benefits of MDMA-assisted therapy and the current state of PTSD treatments. 


A Step Towards Change 


This upcoming FDA decision is not just about approving a new drug; it's about acknowledging the need for innovation and compassion in our healthcare system. Our veterans and all Americans suffering from PTSD deserve better than what the current system offers. Like in a game where bases are loaded, every action can make a significant difference. 


Step up to the plate and make history. 



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